Racine Runners

  • Racine, WI
Club Bio

The skill level of our group ranges from walkers to 6 minute milers, from beginners to 25+ years of running, and from those who will never run a race to those that have run hundreds. QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS GROUP: 1. you must be either a male or female; 2. you must be capable of forward motion of some sort although a walk or run is probably preferable; and 3. you may take your running seriously, but you may not take yourself too seriously (or if you do, don’t let us know that you do; but if you do, we can help you overcome that disability) and you may not take the group seriously. An application is not necessary. If the executive committee does not act within five days after your request, you are deemed admitted. The executive committee is not scheduled to meet within this decade.

Club Type
  • Social
  • Road
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